Notices & News

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Important Notice: Changes to Billing Format



Bolivar Water Supply is pleased to announce an upcoming change to our current billing process. Starting July 2024, we will be transitioning from our current postcard billing format to a full sheet format.

We believe this change will bring several benefits to you as our valued members. With the full sheet format, we will be able to provide more detailed information on your bills, including transaction breakdowns and additional notices that may be relevant to your account. This change will also reduce the risk of bills becoming lost in transit, ensuring that you receive your statements promptly and securely. Important to note: due dates for payments remain unchanged.

To eliminate any wait time associated with receiving your bill, we encourage you to consider our paperless billing option. By opting for paperless billing, you can receive your statements instantly via email, further streamlining the process.

We understand that changes to billing formats can sometimes cause concerns or questions. Please rest assured that we are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for you. If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, our customer service team will be available to help.

We kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we implement these changes. Our goal is to enhance our billing process to better serve your needs and provide you with the necessary information in a clear and concise manner.


Bolivar Water Supply